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Curriculum Vitae 

Positions held

February 2012 - August 2013: 

Lecturer, Department of Psychology, City University London 


August 2013 - August 2017:

Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, City University London 


September 2017 - December 2022:

Reader of Psychology, Birkbeck, University of London


February 2018 - present: 

Honorary Research Fellow, University of York


January 2023 - present: 

Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Leeds

University education


BSc Psychology (First Class), University College London.

Highly commended by Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences for outstanding academic achievement.



MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology (Distinction), University College London.



PhD in Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences, University College London.

Supervised by Cecilia Heyes (University of Oxford) and Alan Johnston (UCL).

Prizes & honours

2013 Identified as an ESRC Future Research Leader


2014 Awarded the British Academy's Wiley Prize in Psychology


2015 Identified as a Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Science  


2018 Awarded the Twenty-Sixth Prize Lecture by the Experimental Psychology Society  


2018 Awarded the Seventeenth Elizabeth Warrington Prize by the British Neuropsychological Society


2020 Awarded the Spearman Medal by the British Psychological Society

Major funding awards

2013 ESRC Future Research Leaders grant (£246,166)


2017 ERC Starting Grant (1.5m euros)

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